Go to Forum Registration Terms and Conditions for Participants
It's this way
Please fill in the registration form (put the link of the PDF document) and send it to treessciencesettradition@gmail.com
The registration price includes:
Access to all conferences and parties
Coffee break at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Access to all exhibitions and partner stands.
Terms of payment on the registration form.
To come up
About us
The "Arbres, Sciences Et Tradition" (Trees, Sciences, and Tradition) association aims at modelling its organization on Trees.
Therefore we adopted a collegiate management with 8 core members.
ASET is the creator of
The first forum, “Two civilizations, one common destiny” took place in Pont-en-Royans from May 25 to 29, 2022.
The second forum, “Trees, Children, Forests: Hope for Humanity” will take place in Geneva from October 12 to 15, 2023.