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It's this way
Please fill in the registration form (put the link of the PDF document) and send it to treessciencesettradition@gmail.com
The registration price includes:
Access to all conferences and parties
Coffee break at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Access to all exhibitions and partner stands.
Terms of payment on the registration form.
To come up

Trees and Education
(Under development)
Press articles, videos, texts, poems, ... forum results: conferences, round tables...
Formation "Planta Sapiens: The New Science of Plant Intelligence" (en Anglais)
par Paco CALVO
In Finland, daycares reproduce ‘forest soils’ for children’s health
An experiment conducted in Finland shows that having children play on forest soils is very quickly beneficial to their health.
To learn differently the subjects of the school program, to validate their acquired experience, to build and deepen knowledge and skills through concrete and collective achievements.
Children raised in contact with nature would have better health.
National Tree Day: Tree and education for a green economy at the heart of the first edition (in Burkina Faso)
Let’s plant trees at school!
COURSES "In the Forest!"
In the Paris region and in the Cévennes all year round for 9 years to 18 years: discovery of woodworking, sculpture, carpentry, lumberjack, construction, awareness of living in the forest.
Each child is accompanied individually while working with the dynamics of the group, in a spirit of mutual aid and cooperation by experimenting in the countryside woodworking, the discovery of the forest ... respecting the rhythms of each, related to the environment. Customized activities or internship.
The aim of the association is to discover nature and to offer education on the environment and heritage; it promotes the weaving of a social bond, the animation of social life and the development of each in an active, responsible and fun position.
On the program: discovery of the fauna and flora while having fun thanks to cooperative games, cooking wild plants, observing and identifying the emblematic species of the Mercantour National Park and the Roya Valley .