Go to Forum Registration Terms and Conditions for Participants
It's this way
Please fill in the registration form (put the link of the PDF document) and send it to treessciencesettradition@gmail.com
The registration price includes:
Access to all conferences and parties
Coffee break at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Access to all exhibitions and partner stands.
Terms of payment on the registration form.
To come up
How to support us?
You can support us with a punctual or regular donation here.
Your donation will be used to carry out actions to preserve Trees and Forests.
You can also support us by adhering to the association here.
Membership (lifetime) 20 Euro
Contribution (annual) 20 Euro
You can also review the conferences of the first International Forum of Trees and People here.
The Trees and the Forests thank you for all you do for them.