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It's this way
Please fill in the registration form (put the link of the PDF document) and send it to treessciencesettradition@gmail.com
The registration price includes:
Access to all conferences and parties
Coffee break at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Access to all exhibitions and partner stands.
Terms of payment on the registration form.
To come up
ASET leading team
Teacher, researcher, lecturer for over twenty years.
Spent his childhood between school and the Forest.
University degree in physics and mathematics.
Author of Le Livre des plantes, initiation à la sagesse végétale (The Book of Plants, an initiation to plant wisdom)
Born in the Touraine area, plastic artist, fashion stylist studies.
Her work revolves around plant, feminine and weaving themes, whether in drawings, paintings, carving and sculptures through her perception of the Living world. Plant material and clay are used in her works.
"Who could find a better model than Trees? Develop strong roots and work together with surrounding species (whether they belong to the same kingdom or not) while reaching out to the stars...
I am looking forward to seeing the Human species recovering plant wisdom."
Enthousiast of Nature and its wisdom.
Through Nature’s teachings and her involvement in the Planet'Aiire association, she strives daily to recover this communication with the Living, which is an essential key to our humanity, today more than ever before.
Morgan Saunier
Healer, energetician, parapsychologist, geobiologist and teacher.
"After growing up between the ocean and the forests, nature’s mysteries drew in myself and many others a path on which to walk, love, learn and live. They shelter everything: our past, our present and our future..."
Dr sc.: ethnobotanist
· Studies Human/Plant relationships in Africa.
· Puts plants and traditions at the forefront through the development of plant-related activities that respect both Humanity and Nature.
· Foster a way of living together with the Trees.
Patrice FLOURY
Environnementalist, graduated in human ecology, in charge of the Planet’aiire association.
Founding member of the Maison de la Biosphère.
Bernard PIPON
Project manager, nature lover since he was a kid and especially attracted to these magnificient beings that Trees are.
Advocate of the voiceless trees and of all other living beings.